Enjoy a flawless finish with our dust-free preparation process and plant-safe cleaning methods.

Experience exceptional results delivered on time, every time. With our specialized deck staining services, you can rejuvenate your outdoor space efficiently and effectively.

Deck and Exterior Wood Restoration Masters

(339)208-0101 contactus@thewolfpainting.com

On average, the process takes only 5 days.


Cleaning Solutions

Our initial step involves using plant and soil-safe products for deck washing, ensuring your garden remains unharmed.

Application Precision

We apply stains using brushes or rollers to ensure deep penetration into the wood for enhanced durability and longevity. When spraying, we always back brush or back roll immediately to ensure even coverage and proper absorption.

Variety of

Stain Options

We offer a diverse range of stain choices, from water-based to oil-based, catering to different preferences and requirements for protection and aesthetics.

Range of Finishes

From translucent to solid stains, we provide various finishing options to match your desired look and ensure the best protection for your deck.


Surface Preparation

Thorough surface preparation ensures optimal stain adhesion and longevity, setting the foundation for a durable and attractive finish.


Treatment Plans

Tailored treatment plans address the unique conditions and needs of your deck, ensuring the best possible outcome.

Step 1

Step 6

Step 5

Step 4

Step 3

Step 2

Step 7

Step 8

Deck Washing
We pressure wash the deck using a plant-safe cleaning solution to prepare the surface.
Personalized Consultation
Define your vision and select colors and finishes with our experts.
Drying Time
Allow 48 hours for the deck to completely dry and ensure optimal conditions for staining.

Deck Preparation

We secure any loose boards and sand the entire deck to smooth the surface for even staining.

Staining Application

Apply the stain using rollers and brushes to ensure deep penetration and uniform coverage.

Project Completion and Support

Finalize the project and provide guidance on maintaining your newly stained deck

Quality Control

Our team reviews the painting job with you to ensure complete satisfaction.

Final Inspection and Clean-Up

Conduct a thorough final inspection and remove all protective coverings, followed by a comprehensive clean-up.

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